By: everylittlething The old woman cycled in zigzags along the ribbon of road that gave an edge to the wood. She was dressed completely in black. It was a hot summer’s day but even her stockings were black. The hair was a coil at the back of her head. Attached by a bungee cord…
Author: ShiverWriggle
No Rest for the Wicked
By: James “Harper, you bastard!” That bastard Harper’s been at it again. Give me strength. Listen to him, scurrying about like some sort of teenager whose furious masturbation session has been abruptly cut short by a grandparental intrusion. To be honest, that’s not too far from the truth. Swap the ages round and it…
By: everylittlething Richard of York gained battles in vain. No he didn’t. You’ve got to look at the bigger picture. . . you see, if he hadn’t . . . well, whatever – that’s the way I remember the order of the colours in the rainbow. Mrs. Needham once told me about the magic…
Life in Blue and White
By: James Man, I hate that thing. It’s been up on that wall ever since I can remember. When I think back to the days we’d come round after school, and she’d sit us down on the couch while she’d fetch the teacakes, it makes me shudder. Being in the presence of it meant…
By Dr E.W. Gordon Have you ever walked through the roughest, most run down part of your town? Have you purposely sought out the darkest alleyways and the grubbiest back streets to see what you can find? I have and I’ll tell you why. They say violence breeds violence. I’m not sure of that…
By: everylittlething When Robert was a little child he woke up each Christmas morning to find a stocking for him. It wasn’t at the end of his bed. His bedroom was cold as frost in December – whatever the weather outside. So Robert’s benefactor ensured that the stocking would be received in a climate…
By: Hugin In one of my favourite television programs, Psych, there is a point where the main character asks his father if he thinks it is possible to miss a ‘moment’ in life. His father’s reply is that life is made up of ‘moments’: “you’re having one right now”. I think that’s something that I’m only…
By: everylittlething A walk in summer rain is something completely different from a walk in winter rain. Summer rain refreshes and excites – invigorates. Winter rain seeps through to the bones and makes every part of the body ache. It chills and shakes the bearer. Coats, hats, scarves. gloves, boots- all need to be…
Modern Knights
By: Dr E.W. Gordon The padding was thick As he pulled his arms through, the straps were reassuringly snug Rippling his fingers, he felt the armour as it hugged every sinew He had a great sense of occasion, everything matched as piece by piece he was suited With each click he was fastened in…
Minisode #1: Flotsam and Jetsam
By: Vague The first time I heard the phrase, ‘Flotsam and Jetsam’, was when I was first reading The Lord of the Rings, where it is the title of a chapter. At least that is how my memory deems it; I may have known of it before, but it certainly stuck in my mind…